Earth Month: Reflecting On Our Commitment to Sustainability
The natural beauty of Santa Barbara can be enjoyed all year long, but April is its time to shine. Each year, Earth Month turns attention to honor our lush planet, culminating in Earth Day on April 22nd. This year’s theme is “Invest In Our Planet;” as a California Certified Green Business, EcoLawn is pleased to celebrate Earth Month and embody all that it seeks to inspire.

Mow No More
Since 2014, EcoLawn has designed and installed beautiful spaces for homes and businesses across Santa Barbara; but our mission extends beyond that. A main catalyst behind our business model is our commitment to sustainability. Traditional lawn care causes damage to our ecosystem through compounded carbon emissions. EcoLawn is reimagining lawn culture by eliminating the need for mowing tools, preventing 9,000 kg of co2 from entering the atmosphere annually.

The Root of Responsibility
As an ecologically-minded organization, EcoLawn is honored to partner with American Forests & Forest Nation. With emphasis on individual, economic, and environmental health, American Forest is set to achieve tree equity by the year 2030. How is EcoLawn involved? We’ve planted 2,400 trees per year in North American forests. We’ve also rooted over 30,000 trees in Tanzania through Forest Nation, an organization committed to encouraging global unity through reducing deforestation.
A Wellspring of Hope
We recognize that water is a valuable resource, especially in California. After the driest January, February, and March on record, a new water-conservation mandate was initiated statewide. Ever-changing legislation can be overwhelming, but Santa Barbara is strides ahead in terms of water consumption. In fact, Santa Barbara is using 25% less water than it was in 2013. Plus, EcoLawn is on its way to save more than 15 million gallons of water per year through drought-resistant landscaping. More than that, “we have a community that is rocking conservation,” says Joshua Haggmark, the water resource manager for the city.

Caring for the earth in small ways always goes the distance. EcoLawn is committed to preserving resources and preventing pollution in both our office and operations. As you consider how to participate in Earth Month 2022, we hope that the steps EcoLawn is making toward a sustainable future can inspire you to contribute as well.